Tuesday, March 23, 2010

LOL out loud.

Two things have recently brought me to hysterics.

1. Recently, when my dad's neighbor emerged from his house wearing camouflage my dad said, "Oh Wayne, I didn't see you there."

2. After last night's Gossip Girl, I said, "I don't think I'm comfortable with what just happened here." to which Shara replied, "That's what she said." Oldie but a goodie.

Delightful to think of, especially on a day when I was shot 5 times, and by shot 5 times, I mean given 5 shots. Immunizations for my upcoming travels. So excited, even if I'm not feeling so hot today.


Michael and Natalie said...

Priceless dad comment...

whitney allison said...

Where the H-E- double hockey sticks are you going that you need 5 shots??? Is this your way of telling me you're going on a mission or something???

A "cheery" disposition said...

haha I laughed out loud on the first one about your dad.