Monday, September 14, 2009

fabric painting.

One of my favorite things to do for gifts is paint some fabric and put it in a frame. Here are some poorly photographed examples:

For my old roommate Whitney's soon to be born son, who has a space theme for his room complete with little alien stuffed animals Whitney made that are so, so cute! (I love this theme, by the way! Perfection.)

For the new Mr. & Mrs. B.

For my cousin's kid whose mother was really taken with the one I made for my little brother Isaac last Christmas.

And, I'm announcing it to the world, that I owe Joe & Britt a big one!!! I made them one but the red paint bled all over it. Soon friends, SOON!


Britt said...

we're not too worried...we know it will be FAB. fun fun fun!

whitney allison said...

Holy hilarious. Look what I just posted and then hopped over to your blog to check your recent post. Great minds Molly, great minds.

Deanna said...

I'm not gonna lie...those photos make me want to get married or push out (or maybe buy) a baby JUST to get a painted fabric present from you. Hmm...

beckie said...

I'm pregnant too...hint hint