Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Und die Katzen haben hoffentlich ein dickes Fell in den Nächten...

Ashley made my whole week when she showed me the blog, bloggingaboutmykittens. These people threw a wedding for their cats, Princess Wondercat and The Internet. Totally ridiculous and totally awesome! So, I officially read all of the posts from this year, and loved the video, "Kittens inspired by Kittens" but felt I should restrain myself to one cat related video.

And so that left me with this. You know I love German television.

While he's picking up the cat he says something close to: "And our studio cat is in here, without permission but I'll just keep it." And then closes with "and hopefully the cats have thick fur at night."

1 comment:

Britt said...

i LOVE kittens inspired by kittens! and i'm totally going to have to look at each and every post of this new blog!