Sunday, October 12, 2008

Molly's To Do List

- sew shirt.
- FINALLY go to kinko's and get Ashley & Jen's things bound, then mail them off. (SLACKER!)
- mail article and dvd's to Reem.
- update intricate filing system.
- make something using the new vanilla paste I got at Williams-Sonoma.
- make papier mache finger for Halloween costume.
- try to get dad to help me with the chair frame. (weather pending)
- finish listening to the general conference addresses I missed online.
- back up my hard drive.
- journal about Cecily's allegory of Nephi & the ocean.

what's on your to do list this week?

1 comment:

Deanna said...

-feel bad for teaching the czech boy I work with at the office to call the secretary girls bitches (and then maybe saying it meant really nice girls)
-get some sleep
-stop eating 10 meals a day and lose some kilos
-email some photos
-find store that sells tshirts that say 'my sister went to Prague and all she bought me is this lousy tshirt' for Brother Jeff